
Study to become a nurse

After having studied this profession in our fiche métier infirmier, let's now focus on an essential aspect intéressant this careerère : how to become a nurse? In this article, we'll look at the prerequisites for this training course and discuss the milestones along the way.

What is a nurse?

The nurse is a healthcare specialist. Usually working in a hospital environment, they are responsible for the specific care and hygiene required by patients. In the course of their work, they may also provide psychological support or carry out administrative tasks. The nature of their work requires them to be able to work at night or at weekends, as medical emergencies do not lend themselves to schedules. It's a proving job, and one that requires a strong sense of self-discipline. A sense of service and support are essential to overcome the great pressures of the business.

The different routes to becoming a nurse

There are various ways to enter a Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers(IFSI). Students may have a general, technological or vocational baccalaureate. It is also possible to access this training with a diploma in nursing or child care, or a certificate of aptitude for the functions of a nurse;aptitude aux fonctions d’aide médico-psychologique or a diplôme d’infirmier issu’un pays de l’Union européenne (à condition de pouvoir témoigner de 3 ans d’exercice).

Accession to the IFSI requires a competitive examination, but this is not national. Students must therefore contact the structure(s) of their choice via the Parcoursup platform. After providing proof of certain obligations (vaccinations, absence of pathologies, etc.), the applicant must pass two admissibility tests. The first is a two-hour criterion-based test, while the second is a psycho-technical test designed to assess ability. To pass the test, candidates must obtain an average score, with neither mark below 8/20. Once this score has been achieved, a final oral examination before a jury will decide whether or not to admit the candidate to the IFSI.

The nursing training pathway

The student admitted to the IFSI will have to follow a three-year course. In total, the training to become a nurselasts 4200 hours divided as follows: 

  • 1ᵉʳ semester : 231h lectures, 234h tutorials; 60h guided personal work.
  • 2ᵉ semester : 126h lectures, 183h directed classes; 41h guided personal work.
  • 3ᵉ semester : 118h lectures, 177h directed classes; 55h guided personal work.
  • 4ᵉ semester : 109h lectures, 187h directed classes; 54h guided personal work.
  • 5ᵉ semester : 116h lectures, 184h directed classes; 50h guided personal work.
  • 6ᵉ semester : 50h lectures, 85h directed classes; 40h guided personal work.

These various periods cover different subjects and disciplines, including human, biological and medical sciences; nursing techniques, foundations, methods and interventions; as well as professional knowledge and postures.

Possible specializations for becoming a nurse

There are many specialties available to graduate nurses, usually after several years of practice. They all involve additional training courses of varying duration. They enable you to apply for better nursing job offers. These include:

  • L’anesthésie : the nurse can specialize in pre-op, périop and post-op. He then assists the anaesthetist during surgical procedures and ensures patients' pain management.
  • The operating suite : the nurse assists the surgeon during operations. He/she is responsible for the preparation and sterilization of equipment, as well as for the safety and hygiene of the operating room.
  • The pu´riculture : the nurse focuses on the care of children, from birth to adolescence. They work in maternity wards, paediatric wards or child protection structures.
  • Cadre de santé : l’infirmier développe;ses competences afin d’être en mesure de manager une équipe de soins ou d’enseigner en IFSI.
  • Infirmier de Pratique Avancée (IPA) : spécialité récente, puisque’elle date de 2018. The IPA nurse can monitor patients referred by a doctor, prescribe additional examinations, request follow-up and preventive procedures or renew prescriptions.

Developed skills

Technical skills

In order to provide care in a comfortable and safe environment, nurses must possess technical skills such as: 

  • Maîtrise des gestes techniques
  • Wound care and dressings
  • Use of medical equipment
  • Knowledge of pharmacology
  • Technique de réanimation

Interpersonal skills

Since they are in contact with a fragile, ill and vulnerable public, these professionals must demonstrate numerous interpersonal skills in order to relieve patients of their pain, whether physical or psychological. What's more, they have to be able to work irregular hours and sometimes busy schedules. All these factors require characteristics such as:

  • L’empathy
  • Compassion
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Conflict management
  • L’adaptability
  • Résilience

Administrative skills

While they do not always perform these functions within the organizations in which they work, nurses must still master office skills such as: 

    Administrative skills

    Administrative skills

    • Managing medical files
    • Planning and organization 
    • Knowledge of protocols
    • Stock management
    • Tracking care

    In résumé, the training to become a nurse is demanding and comprehensive. It enables us to strengthen our medical workforce with competent, operational professionals from the moment they graduate. What's more, the most ambitious nurses will be able to diversify their careers by specializing in one (or more) of the many offshoots of this colorful trade, making it a profession with a future.

    Did you like this article? Find our nursing salary sheet!