Pour rappel, vous ne devez ajouter dans cette zone que les informations strictement nécessaires au traitement de votre demande, en évitant les données considérées comme sensibles(origine raciale ou ethnique, opinions politiques, convictions religieuses, données de santé ou relatives à l’orientation sexuelle, données relatives à des infractions, condamnations…)
Jober Group collecte vos données pour traiter votre candidature à une offre d’emploi et la proposer à la structure concernée sur la base de l'intérêt légitime dans le cadre de son activité. En candidatant, vous acceptez que Jober Group traite vos données pour vous apporter une réponse. Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont nous traitons vos données personnelles et l’exercice de vos droits, veuillez consulter notre Politique de confidentialite.

En cliquant sur le bouton 'Envoyer' vous acceptez d'être contacté par téléphone pour des propositions d'offres d'emploi et de service par Jober Group Jober Group pourra utiliser votre numéro de téléphone pour un premier échange relatif à votre candidature ou à des fins de proposition d'offres d'emploi et de services. Vous pourrez vous y opposer à tout moment sur simple demande à l'adresse: [email protected]

Specialist in the integration of dentists and doctors in France

Where are you from?


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French dentists

Benefit from the Jobergroup network and practice your activity in France.

Specialists in the recruitment and integration of dental surgeons in France, we export our expertise to enable international candidates to find their ideal job. Your dedicated consultant analyses your CV and then makes a selection of offers according to your requirements. We organize the necessary steps for your integration in France. Free of charge. We frame your learning of the French language, tailored to your activity. Jobergroup accompanies you until the start of your future job. And even afterwards. Just take care of the move. Our team takes care of the rest.

Learn French calibrated to your activity thanks to our language teachers.

Mastering the French language and the specificity of your profession is indispensable to your integration in France.

Jobergroup puts you in touch with its language teachers to accompany you in the intensive learning of the language.

Choose from several programs according to your availability.

Your Jobergroup consultant accompanies you throughout this process.

The success is yours.

Access to a multitude of offers distributed throughout France thanks to the Jobergroup network.

Your advisor filters the opportunities according to your requirements to find your future job.

We organize your first video interviews as soon as your level of French allows it.

As soon as you reach B2 level, we will define together a possible date of arrival in France.

Our team respects your search criteria regarding location, remuneration and type of activity to offer you the ideal job.

You are eligible for registration with the ONDC - Ordre National des Chirurgiens Dentistes (Order of Dentists) or in the CNOM - Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins (Order of Physicians).

Your diploma authorizes you to work in France in the scope of the French decree - Décret n° 2017-1601 du 22 novembre 2017.

This work permit is issued by the ONDC - Ordre National des Chirurgiens Dentistes (Order of Dentists) or by the CNOM - Conseil National de l’Ordre des Médecins (Order of Physicians).

We recommend that you profit from your stay in France to apply for registration with the Order.

For your registration, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Send an email, in French, to the Order Council of the department in which you wish to work.
  • Provide the elements requested by the Order in the reply to your email.
  • Finalize your pre-registration with the Council of the Order with your promise of employment.

Join the team that will optimize your professional development.

JoberGroup is a recruitment agency created in association with Dr. Sabban Jonathan who opens the doors of his practice and his dental center to accompany you in understanding the French health care system (technical and administrative part) while waiting for the start of your activity.

Your JoberGroup consultant will always be there for you in the event that you decide to move to another location.

Video testimonial from our practitioners

Discover the testimonial videos of practitioners supported by Jobergroup who tell their integration journey from A to Z.

Your new life starts with a click.

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Upload your CV

En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessus, vous acceptez la Politique de confidentialite de JoberGroup.

Our team analyses your CV.

Your consultant

Take advantage of 100% free, no-obligation, customized support.

Backed by a network of partners throughout France, the Jober mobility team will select targeted job opportunities to meet your exact requirements.

We think of everything, but especially of you.

Receive your welcome box when arriving.

Frequently asked questions

  • Does Jober Group's support pay off?

  • What is the added value of Jober Group in my job search?

  • Is there a high demand for dentists in France?

  • How can I apply for your job offers?

  • Can I keep my current job during the recruitment process?

  • What are the conditions for me to practice as a dentist in France?

  • Do I need a VISA to work in France?

  • Do I need experience to practice in France?

  • Do I need to be licensed by the ONCD?

  • How long can the recruitment process take?

  • I am a final year student, can I contact Jober Group now?

  • We are a group of friends/couple and would like to work in the same structure. Is this possible?

  • Do you plan to take French language courses?

  • Can I practice as a specialist or only as a generalist?

  • What type of contract can Jober Group offer me?

  • How much does a dental surgeon earn in France?

  • Do you offer housing assistance?

  • What is the follow-up of the candidate after he/she takes office?