
Studying to become a lung specialist

In France, to become pneumologist, you need to undergo lengthy médecine studies. This apprenticeship enables the student to acquire all the technical skills and human qualities essential to the practice of this profession. That's what we set out to do in our fiche métier pneumologue. Since it's not always easy to find one's way around the many options on this route, it was time for us to put together an article to help make things a little clearer.

What is a pulmonologist?

A pneumologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases. Whether working in a public hospital or a private practice, his role is to guide and support patients throughout the entire care process. Thanks to cutting-edge technology and the highest standards, he is able to handle a wide range of cases, from the most minor to life-threatening emergencies. It's this expertise that long studies in pulmonology value.

How to become a pulmonologist

Études générales de médecine

Before entering higher education, the pneumologist-to-be must obtain a scientific baccalaureate. Once this has been completed, students wishing to pursue health studies can choose between two options:

  • Le Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS)
    • Introduced in 2020 to replace the former Premiée Année Commune aux Études de Santé (PACES), the PASS is a year of study combining a health major; é a minor from another discipline. This structure makes it possible to diversify skills and offer avenues for reorientation.
    • Students are assessed on the basis of continuous assessment and final exams.
      • Those who succeed can enter the health sector.
      • Those who fail can reorient themselves towards their minor's field of study before, if they wish, trying their luck again.
    • The PASS approach relieves the pressure associated with the former PACES single entrance exam, while diversifying the student's skills.
  • La Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS)
    • Introduced in 2020 in order to diversify the training offer in health studies, the L.AS is a program combining any major (law, humanities, economics, etc.) with a specific health minor (biology, physiology, etc.).
    • At the end of the first, second or third year, and if they have passed the minimum requirements, students can apply for health studies. They then sit specific examinations. Depending on their performance, they are either rejected or admitted to the second year of medical school.
    • The L.AS enables students to follow a diversified pathway, promoting skills and reorientation.

Après le PASS ou la L.AS (see above), générales de médecine se décomposent en deux parts diplômantes: 

  • Le Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Médicales (DFGSM) : three-year curriculum (the PASS and L.AS count as the first) consisting of theoretical courses in medical sciences and clinical internships in hospitals.
  • Le Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Médicales (DFASM) : A direct continuation of the DFGSM, this is a three-year course of study that integrates specialized courses and advanced internships in various hospital departments.

Éend-of-clerkship proofs 

During the final year of their second cycle, students must pass a battery of tests which, based on their results and rankings, will enable them to formulate vœux de spécialit; mais également de ville. Here's the list: 

  • Épreuves dématérialisées nationales (EDN): these take place in October and count for 60% of the final grade. In order to pass, students must obtain a mark of 14/20 or higher in the thematic knowledge required by all doctors, regardless of their speciality.
  • Examens cliniques objectifs et structurés (ECOS): these are organized in May and count for 30% of the final grade. They test students' ability to develop clinical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The minimum mark must be 10/20.
  • Academic progress grade: this continuous assessment takes into account the student's commitment, curriculum, mobility and level of English, and accounts for 10% of the final grade.

Spécialisation en pneumologie

Once the General medical studies have been completed, the student specializing in pneumology enters the internship program for five years. This course is divided into theoretical and practical training:

  • Training théoric : interns follow théoric courses covering the various aspects of pulmonology. They attend seminars and conferences to keep abreast of the latest advances and research in the field.
  • Training practical : pulmonology interns participate in the activities of various healthcare departments.

In addition, the pneumology intern must write and defend a thesis in order to obtain a doctorate. Upon completion of this specialization, the intern obtains the Diplôme d'Etudes Spécialis;es en Pneumologie (DES). 

Formations complémentaires

After obtaining the DES and registering with the Ordre des médecins, a specialist wishing to apply for job opportunities as a pulmonologist can continue his or her training to specialize in pediatric pulmonology, pneumo-allergology or pneumo-oncology in order to perfect his or her skills and enhance his or her know-how on the job market.

The skills needed to become a pulmonologist

At the end of his academic career in pulmonology, the student must master techniques such as spirometry, blood gasometry and the interpretation of medical images. He must also be well-informed about medications specific to respiratory diseases, such as bronchodilators and corticosteroids, as well as the prescription and monitoring of treatments.

Assuming an important role in the detection and prevention of serious respiratory diseases, notably lung cancer, the pulmonologist must be able to manage the long-term follow-up of chronic diseases, continually adapting treatments and advising patients on necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Finally, training will enable the acquisition of essential human skills such as empathy, listening and communication. He or she will also need to know how to manage stress and emotions, remain patient and persistent in the face of the challenges of long-term follow-up, work effectively as part of a team and make clear decisions concerning patient health.

The débouchés and career prospects

The carriage of pulmonologists is rich in opportunities, both in terms of practice structures and specializations. Respirologists can work in public hospitals, private clinics, private practices or rehabilitation centers.

These locations will enable these specialists to vary their tâches, and therefore their daily routine, in order to offer a rich and fulfilling career over the long term.

En résumétudes de pneumologie comptent parmi les plus difficiles du système universitaire français. Fortunately, the 11 years of study required to become a pulmonologist lead to a rich and rewarding career. This profession is full of discoveries, cases and variations. It is one of the most complex medical specialties, but also one of the most sought-after and respected. These are all assets that justify the high degree of expertise expected during the academic curriculum.

Have you read this article and would like to learn more? Find our pneumologist salary sheet!