
Gynecologist job sheet

Welcome to this fact sheet about the gynécologue profession! In the following lines, we'll look together at all the essential information about this profession, from training in medicine to the average level of rération.

What is a gynécologue?

A gynaecologist is a health professional with expertise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system. This specialty covers a wide range of practices related to reproductive health, pregnancy and childbirth management, and the treatment of gynaecological disorders. It is indispensable for keeping women fit and for reproductive health.

Training and career paths to become a gynécologue

In order to apply for a gynécologue job, you need to follow one of the longest and most challenging academic paths that can exist. This compulsory rigor enables us to train the best possible gynaecological doctors, whose practice can jeopardize the well-being and even the lives of patients. As in most medical specialties, errors must be kept to a minimum, and the gynaecologist must be able to adapt to any situation. To do this, we need to explain how to become a gynécologue.

Before embarking on the jungle of high school, the aspiring gynécologue must earn a bachelor's degree in science. While other baccalaureates can lead to medical studies, the scientific stream has the advantage of providing the essential foundations for this pathway. Once this initial diploma has been obtained, students can move on to the Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS) or the Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS). A year later, and subject to success, he or she will be able to take the two-year general medical course, common to all specialties. At the end of the course, he or she will take the National Classifying Examination (ECN), the result of which will give him or her the opportunity to choose his or her specialty (according to an order of priority based on ranking). Once committed to the gynaecology specialization, he will have 5 years of gynaecology studies under an internship system;internship system, enabling her to learn all the nuances of the profession in greater depth, and to apply it within French healthcare structures.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, browse our fiche études gynécologue!

&At the end of this course, the young gynécologue will know how to use the following skills: 

  • Diagnostics : the réalization of gynécological examinations, écographies, colposcopy, biopsy and the interpretation of the latter.


  • Surgical : the completion of routine surgeries, césarys, laparoscopies or hystérectomy.


  • Management : monitoring the various stages of pregnancy.



In addition, the graduate gyneacologist will be able to continue his or her studies by specializing. Among the many sub-fields of gynaecology he will be able to choose from are gynaecology-obstruction, surgery, oncology and paediatrics.

Rôles and responsibilities of the gynécologue

The rôles and responsibilit;s of the gynécologue are varied and cover several aspects of féminine health such as: 

  • Routine and preventive examinations


      • Annual gyneacological examination : the gyneacologist performs routine physical examinations, including breast palpation, pelvic examination or sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening. These examinations are crucial for the early detection of potential problems such as gynaecological cancers or infections.
      • Cervical smears (PAP test) : it performs cervical smears to detect abnormal or pre-cancerous cells in the cervix.


      • Contraception advice : it advises and prescribes suitable contraceptive methods.


  • Managing pregnancy and childbirth


      • Su suivi prénatal : the gyneacologist monitors the health of the mother and fetus throughout pregnancy through regular consultations, ultrasounds and prenatal screening tests.


      • Labor and delivery management : oversees the labor and delivery process, ensuring that mother and baby remain healthy. This includes pain management, monitoring vital signs, and performing natural or cesarean deliveries.


      • Postnatal care: provides care after delivery to monitor the mother's physical recovery and provides advice on breastfeeding or postpartum contraceptive methods.


  • The diagnosis and treatment of gynécological diseases


      • Infections gynécologiques : the gynécologue identifies and treats vaginal, uterine and ovarian infections.


      • Menstrual conditions : it treats menstrual disorders such as painful menstrual bleeding (dysmute;norrhée), heavy menstrual bleeding (ménorragia) or menstrual irregularities.


      • Endométriosis and fibroids : it manages conditions such as endométriosis and uterine fibroids.


  • Gynécological oncology care


      • Cancer screening : the gyneacologist performs regular screenings to detect cervical, ovarian and endometrial cancers.


      • Treatment of gynaecological cancers : working in collaboration with oncologists, the gynaecologist treats gynaecological cancers through surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.


      • Post-treatment monitoring : it follows up patients after cancer treatment in order to monitor recurrences and manage long-term side effects.


  • Surgical procedures


      • Minor surgery : the gynécologue performs minor surgical procedures such as cervical and endométrial biopsies, ovarian cyst excisions, dilatations or curettages.


      • Major surgery : he performs more complex procedures such as hystérectomies (removal of the uterus), myomectomies (removal of uterine fibroids, laparoscopic surgeries for endométriosis or ectopic pregnancies.


      • Infertility surgery; : it performs procedures to treat infertility, such as laparoscopies to unblock fallopian tubes or remove adhesions.


  • Sexual and reproductive health counseling


    • Fertilité : the gyneacologist provides advice and treatment for fertility problems, including assisted procreation options such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF).


    • Ménopause : it helps patients manage the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, sleep disorders or hormonal changes, and prescribes hormone replacement therapies (HRT) if necessary.


    • Éducation and awareness : it informs patients about reproductive and sexual health issues, promoting regular check-ups and healthy behaviors.


The work environment and daily practice of a gynécologue

When it comes to practicing, gynécologists have several choices: 


  • Private practice; : gynécologists here offer routine consultations, pregnancy follow-ups, dépistage and treatments. This enables them to create a more continuous and personalized relationship with patients, as well as greater autonomy in managing their practice.


  • Clinics : here, gyneacologists treat more specific cases such as reproductive and fertility care. They can also perform minor surgical procedures.


  • Hôpitaux : whether private or public, gyneacologists there offer a full range of care and complex procedures under salaried status.


There are also environments in which gyneacologists are less present, such as NGOs, hospices or the pharmaceutical industry.

Key skills and qualities required of a gynécologue

In order to succeed in their profession, gyneacologists must not only possess all the skills listed above, but also demonstrate certain qualities;They also need to demonstrate certain human qualities, such as empathy, patience and listening skills, in order to establish a relationship of trust with patients. They must also be pédagogues in order to clearly explain diagnoses and treatment options.

Career opportunities and prospects for a gynaecologist

A gynaecologist's career is punctuated by all kinds of challenges and opportunities. Whether they specialize further, decide to teach, participate in research or run their own practice, gynaecologists seeking novelty will not have enough of a career to make the most of their opportunities. What's more, the constant demand ensures job stability and a line of progression enabling him to concentrate fully on achieving his goals.

Salary of a gynécologue

Salary grid and influencing factors

Generally speaking, gyneacologists enjoy comfortable incomes due to the expertise required for their practice. However, data concerning income vary according to several factors:


  • L’expérience : as in all métiers, gynécologists at the beginning of their careers have generally had lower salaries. These will rise steadily as they gain experience and establish patient loyalty.


  • La zone géographique : when setting up, the practitioner must take into account certain criteria that will have an influence on his income. He must take into account the standard of living of the local population, the usual rates charged by his colleagues, as well as the population density.


  • Practice environments: as we have already seen, gynaecologists can practice in very different conditions. These environments will inevitably have an impact on his or her income. A gynécologue working in a liberal environment will generally earn more than a salaried gynécologue.


If you would like to learn more and find out what the average gynécologue earns, come and browse our gynécologue salary sheet!

Decisions and challenges of the gynécologue job

Medical practices in gynaecology are constantly evolving due to technological advances, new scientific discoveries and changes in societal expectations. Here are a few key aspects of this evolution.

Technological challenges

  • Technological innovations : the introduction of new technologies has transformed gyneacological practice. Laparoscopic and robotic systems now enable minimally invasive surgical procedures, reducing recovery times and post-operative complications. In addition, advances in medical imaging, such as 3D and 4D imaging, offer more detailed visualizations of internal structures and fetuses, improving diagnostic accuracy.


  • Personalized care : personalized care is becoming increasingly common in gyneacology. Thanks to genetic testing and biomarkers, it is possible to better understand the risks of conditions such as ovarian and breast cancer. This personalization means that treatments and follow-up can be tailored to the specific needs of each patient.


  • Télémédecine : this recent practice has taken an important place in gyneacology, especially since the pandemic of COVID-19. It enables patients to access medical consultations at a distance, which is particularly beneficial for those living in rural areas or with mobility constraints. Telecare also makes it easier to monitor pregnancies and manage chronic conditions.


  • Reproductive medicine : medically assisted procreation (MAP) techniques continue to progress. Innovations in in vitro fertilization (IVF), oocyte and embryo cryopreservation, and pre-implantation genetic testing increase the chances of conception and reduce the risk of genetic diseases. These advances make it possible to provide better support for couples having difficulty conceiving.

Social issues

  • Enjeux éthiques et déontologiques : the gyneacute;cologue profession, by its very nature, requires constant rethinking and updating of practices to guarantee care that respects women.


  • Consent éclairé : this is by now a fundamental principle of méthique médicale. Gynaecologists must ensure that patients fully understand the procedures, risks and benefits before giving consent. This is particularly important for surgical procedures, fertility treatments and genetic testing.


  • Confidentiality and privacy : in gyneacology, where the subjects dealt with are often sensitive, this respect is paramount. Gynaecologists must protect patients' personal data. The use of electronic medical records must be secured to prevent data breaches.


  • Reproductive health and women's rights: gyneacologists play a key role in defending these rights. They have to navigate between local laws and regulations, cultural and religious beliefs, and patients' individual needs. Subjects such as abortion, contraception and PMA can give rise to intense debate. Gynaecologists must provide care that is impartial and respectful of each individual.


  • É quit; and access to care : another of the major challenges for the gyneacologist. The latter must combat the socio-economic, racial and geographic disparities that can prevent some patients from accessing quality care. This includes a commitment to accessible reproductive health care and to health policies that reduce these inequities.


In résumé, the gynécologue profession is not only among the most important in the medical sector, but also one of the most challenging from the practitioner's point of view. By combining the challenges, the challenges, the diversity of tasks and the prospects for advancement, this feminine health specialist is assured of a career that is rich in every way.

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