
How to become a radiologist?

In our fiche mé tier radiologue, we had seen that this career required rigorous academic commitment and great willpower. Before practicing this beautiful profession, the courageous student will have to travel a complex, but necessary path to reach the high degree of specialization expected. If you want to become a radiologist or know the number of years of study required to become a radiologist, you've come to the right place!

Fundamental steps in radiology training

Après le baccalauréat

Prior to entering higher education, future radiologists will need to pass the baccalaureate, preferably in a scientific stream, as the course will provide a solid foundation that other streams don't offer. Thereafter, students wishing to pursue health studies will have the choice of:

  • Le Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS)
    • Introduced in 2020 to replace the former Premiées Commune aux Études de Santé (PACES), the PASS is a year of study combining a health major with a minor in another discipline. This structure diversifies skills and offers avenues for re-orientation.
    • Students are evaluated on the basis of continuous assessment and final exams.
      • Those who succeed can enter the health sector.
      • Those who fail can reorient themselves towards their minor's field of study before, if they wish, trying their luck again.
    • The PASS approach reduces the pressure associated with the single PACES exam, while diversifying the student's skills.
  • La Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS)
    • Introduced in 2020 in order to diversify the training offer in health studies, the L.AS is a program combining any major (law, humanities, economics, etc.) with a specific health minor (biology, physiology, etc.).
    • At the end of the first, second or third year, and if they have passed the minimum requirements, students can apply for health studies. They then sit specific examinations. Depending on their performance, they will either be rejected or admitted to the second year of medical school.
    • The L.AS enables students to follow a diversified pathway, promoting skills and reorientation.

Études médicales générales

Après le PASS ou la L.AS, les études générales de médecine se décomposent en deux parts diplômantes:

  • Le Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Médicales (DFGSM):three-year curriculum (the PASS and L.AS count as the first year), comprising theoretical courses in medical sciences and clinical internships in hospitals.
  • Le Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Médicales (DFASM): a direct continuation of the DFGSM, this is a three-year course that integrates specialized courses and advanced internships in various hospital departments.

Épreuves Classantes Nationales (ECN)

After six years of study to become a radiologist, students in the health professions take a national competitive examination that unites them all. At the end of the examination, students choose their speciality. The order of priority is determined by the ranking. It is at this point that the medical student can specialize in radiology.

Spécialisation en radiologie

On completion of general medical studies, students specializing in radiology enter internship for a period of five or six years;e of five or six years, depending on whether they specialize in radiology and medical imaging or advanced interventional radiology. These courses are divided into theoretical and practical training:

  • Theoretical training: interns follow theoretical courses covering the various aspects of radiology, including medical imaging, radiation protection, and radiodiagnostic and radiotherapy techniques. They also attend conferences and congresses to keep abreast of the latest advances and research in the field.
  • Practical training: radiology interns take part in consultations and interpretations of radiological examinations under the supervision of experienced radiologists. They learn to use a variety of medical imaging equipment, such as scanners, MRIs, scanners and X-ray machines.

In addition, the radiology intern must write and defend a thesis in order to obtain a doctorate. At the end of this specialization, and after validating his or her internships, he or she obtains the Diplocirc;me dÉtudes Spécialis;es en Radiologie et Imagerie Médicale or en Radiologie Interventionnelle Avancée (DES). After 11 or 12 years of study to become a radiologist, the student can officially practice this profession or specialize in interventional radiology, neuroradiology, pediatric imaging or cardiovascular imaging.

Careers and professional opportunities in radiology

The status of the radiologist

Young radiologists registered with the Ordre can now apply for radiologist job offers. They will also have to choose under which status to practice:

  • Libéral: the radiologist practices as an independent professional in his or her own practice or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals. They are autonomous in managing their own schedules, choosing their own equipment and setting their own fees. On the other hand, he must assume administrative and financial responsibility for his activity.
  • Salaried: radiologists can be salaried employees of public hospitals, health centers or private practices. This gives them access to state-of-the-art medical equipment and job stability, but less autonomy compared to independent practice.

The radiologist's practice locations

The radiologist may choose to practice in various locations such as:

  • Private practices
  • Hôpitaux et CHU
  • Private clinics
  • Health centers
  • Research institutes
  • Research laboratories
  • Humanitarian organizations

In résumé, radiology studies are long and demanding. From initial selection via the PASS or L.AS, to specialized training during residency and overspecializations, each step is designed to train experts capable of meeting complex needs.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more, please don't hesitate to cover our radiologist salary sheet !