
Studying to become an orthodontist

As we saw in our fiche métier orthodontist, this spécialité requires coming à end of a demanding and rigorous course. Before playing a crucial role in correcting dental malpositions, students wishing to embark on this path will need to be patient. In France, it takes 8 9 years of study to become an orthodontist. This article describes the different stages.

Étapes initial stages of médicale training

Before beginning specialized studies in orthodontics in France, it is necessary to have a scientific baccalaureate. Then, you'll have to choose between two options: 

  • Le Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS)


    • Introduced in 2020 in place of the former Premiées Commune aux Études de Santé (PACES), the PASS is a year of study combining a health majoré à a diverse minor. This structure diversifies skills in addition to offering pathways for re-orientation.


    • Students are assessed on the basis of continuous assessment and final examinations. 


      • Admitted students integrate the health sector.


      • Non-passed students can reorient themselves towards the stream of their minor. They will be able to retake the competition the following year.


    • The PASS makes it possible to reduce the pressure associated with the single PACES entrance exam and diversify the student's skills.


  • La Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS)


    • Introduced in 2020 in order to diversify the training offer in health studies, the L.AS is a program combining any major (law, humanities, economics, etc.) with a specific health minor (biology, physiology, etc.).


    • At the end of the first, second or third year, and if they have passed the minimum requirements, students in L.AS can apply for health studies. Students then sit specific examinations. Depending on his or her performance, he or she may be rejected or admitted to the second year of medical school.


    • The L.AS allows students to follow a diversified pathway, promoting skills and reorientation.


Études générales d’orthodontie

After the PASS or the L.AS (see above), the études allowing to become an orthodontist consist of two parts diplomaômantes : 

  • Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Odontologiques (DFGSO) : this three-year cycle includes theoretical teaching in anatomy, biology, pathology, and practical work in simulation.


  • Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Odontologiques (DFASO) : this phase focuses on more specialized teaching and supervised clinical placements. It lasts two years.


In addition, these courses can be run by foreign faculties, as long as the country from which they originate is part of the European Union.

Spécialisation en Orthodontie

After graduating with a diploma in dental surgery, young dentists can train in orthodontics alongside general practice, but will not be exclusively orthodontists. To do so, he will need to continue his studies and specialize in orthodontics through additional training:

  • Concours de l'Internat en Orthodontie : Admission to this spécialisation is by means of a sélectif concours.


  • Diplôme d'Études Spécialis&e;es en Orthopédie Dento-Faciale (DESODF) : This diploma is awarded after three additional years of study, including specialized orthodontic courses, practical work and intensive clinical internships. The student learns to diagnose and treat dentofacial anomalies, using corrective appliances and advanced techniques.


In addition, the orthodontic intern must write and defend a thesis in order to earn a doctorate. Upon completion of this specialization, he or she obtains a Diplôme d'Etat and may practice as an orthodontist.

Carriage and professional opportunities in orthodontics

The status of the orthodontist

Young orthodontists registered with the Ordre des Chirurgiens-Dentistes can apply for job offers for orthodontists. They will also have to choose under which status to practice:

  • Libéral : the orthodontist practices as an independent professional in his or her own practice or in collaboration with other oral health professionals. They are autonomous in managing their own schedules, choosing their own equipment and setting their own fees. On the other hand, he must assume administrative and financial responsibility for his activity.


  • Salaried: orthodontists may be salaried employees of public hospitals, health centers or private clinics. In this case, he or she has access to state-of-the-art medical equipment and job stability, but possesses less autonomy compared with independent practice.

Orthodontist practice locations

The orthodontist may choose to practice in the following locations: 

  • Private practices
  • Hôpitaux et CHU
  • Private clinics
  • Health centers
  • Associative sector
  • Université et Faculté de Médecine Dentaire
  • Téléconsultation
  • Medworking


The path to becoming an orthodontist is long and demanding, but it provides the opportunity to acquire highly specialized skills and play an essential role in the health and well-being of patients. From initial studies in dentistry to specialization in orthodontics, this path offers a comprehensive and diversified training, guaranteeing a rewarding career.

If you liked this article and would like to know more, browse our orthodontist salary sheet!