
Years of study to become a general practitioner

To become a médecin généraliste is a path that combines passion, dedication and academic rigor. In France, the path to this essential profession takes years of in-depth study, marking a total commitment to the art of healing and patient care. The medical student embarks on a rich and complex educational adventure, in which each phase of training contributes to forging the skills, knowledge and empathy needed to become the first point of contact in the healthcare system.

From the intense, competitive first year at university to the final clinical internships, this course is a blend of intellectual challenges and practical experience, essential to the preparation of a doctor capable of responding to the varied needs of his or her patients.

Étapes initial medical training

Études préparatoires et admission en médecine

The pathway to becoming a ménéraliste in France begins with an intensive preacute;paratory phase. After obtaining their baccalaureate, generally in a scientific discipline, students must enroll in the first year of the "anni commune aux études de sant" (PACES). This first year is crucial and highly competitive, as it culminates in a competitive entrance examination that determines admission to the second year of medical school.

University curriculum in medicine

Once admitted to their second year of study, students begin the university curriculum in medicine, which generally lasts six years. This period includes theoretical courses in medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc.) and practical training in the form of hospital internships. It is during this period that students acquire the scientific and clinical foundations essential to medical practice.

Spécialisation en médecine générale

Specific training for general practitioners

After completing the first six years of medical studies, students must specialize in general medicine. This specialization, also called the "third cycle of medical studies", is oriented towards the global practice of health, the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of common diseases.

Internship and residency in general medicine

The third cycle, or internship, lasts three years. During this period, future general practitioners complete internships in various hospital departments and outpatient practices. This is a key phase in which students develop their clinical skills and learn how to manage patients autonomously.

Total length of studies to become a general practitioner

Total duration of basic studies in medicine

The duration of basic medical studies, prior to specialization, is six years. These years are fundamental to acquiring a thorough knowledge of medicine and preparing students for the challenges of specialization.

Additional years for spécialisation

After these six years, students must devote an additional three years to specialization in general medicine. Thus, the total career path to become a médecin géraliste in France is around nine years.

Practical experience and internships

Importance of clinical internships

Clinical internships are an integral part of medical training. They offer students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-life environment, develop practical skills and become familiar with the medical environment.

Field-based learning and practical skills

These internships are an opportunity for students to confront a variety of clinical cases, interact with patients and healthcare professionals, and develop communication and care management skills.

Graduation and certification

Final exam and graduation

At the end of their training, students must pass a final exam, which validates their competence to practice as a general practitioner. This exam is the culmination of many years of study and practice.

Certification and registration process

After passing the final exam, new physicians must register with the Ordre des Médecins to obtain their certification and right to practice. This administrative step is essential for practicing medicine in France.

Tips for médecine students

Academic preparation and stress management

Academic preparation to become a doctor is demanding. It is essential for students to develop good work methods and stress management, in order to cope with the challenges of medical studies.

Building a professional network in medicine

Students are also advised to build a professional network as part of their career path. Taking part in conferences, joining medical associations and establishing contacts with experienced professionals are key to building a successful career in medicine.