
Studying to become a physiotherapist

Fiche études : Kinésithérapeute

To become a kinésithérapeute requires a rigorous training path, which we were able to tackle on the surface within our fiche métier kinésithérapeute. However, there are many subtleties and other options to be found in this field, and students wishing to embark on this path can sometimes find themselves at a loss. This article will cover in detail all the important information concerning masso-kinetics studies, from the number of years required to possible specializations.

What is a kinésithérapeute?

A kinacute;sithérapeute (also called physiothacute;rapeute or more commonly kiné) is a health professional specialized in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. He uses a variety of manual and instrumental techniques to improve mobility, reduce pain and restore physical function in patients who come to him for consultation. What's more, he treats a wide variety of cases on a broad sample of populations, from the elderly and athletes to children and rehabilitation patients.

Studies in kinésithérapie

Études et prérequis académiques

To become kinésithérapeute, you'll need to follow an academic path that can be accessed after obtaining a baccalaureate with a scientific background. From this point onwards, students can opt for a first year in: 

  • Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS) 
  • Licence with Accès Santé (L.AS)
  • Licence Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS)
  • Licence de Biologie

When making your choice, it's a good idea to find out about the specific features of the universities offering these courses. In fact, access to kinematic studies is determined by an agreement between the university and the Institut de Formation en Masso-Kinematic (IFMK).

Once this first year of studies has been completed, the student can apply for the études de kinésithérapie. The assessment is based on the results obtained in the undergraduate course. It should be noted that, depending on the path taken, students may take the competitive entrance examination once or several times. For example, a student who misses the IFMK entrance exam after one year of study in STAPS will not be able to retake; while a student enrolled in L.AS will be able to retake three times.

If admitted to the IFMK, students will follow 4 years of theoretical and practical courses to obtain the Diplôme d'Etat de Masseur-Kinésithérapeute.

Training program and course content

The training program for kinésithérapeutes is designed to provide students with all the skills they need to carry out rehabilitation, physiotherapy or massage procedures, either manually or with the aid of adapted equipment. The program is spread over four years, and combines theoretical courses with practical training. Students learn the basics of human anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as a variety of rehabilitation techniques. Courses also include modules on psychology, communication and patient management.

Theoretical courses provide knowledge in the fields of biomedicine, biomedicine, anatomy and the functioning of the human body. There are also modules focusing on the human and social sciences, public health, as well as palpation, massage and mobility techniques.

Practical courses and professional experience

An essential part of the training of kinésithérapeutes is practical internships. These enable students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice under the supervision of experienced professionals. They take place in a variety of clinical environments, including hospitals, private clinics, rehabilitation centers and sports clubs. This experience is crucial for applying the knowledge gained in theory courses and preparing the student for graduation.

The coût of kinésithérapie

The cost of tuition depends on the type of IFMK the student wishes to enroll in. In public IFMKs, which are attached to the university, tuition fees are 172 euros for the first two years and 243 euros for the third and fourth years. In private IFMKs, costs vary and can reach up to 9000€ per year.

The average tuition for IFMKs is 4200€ per year.

The skills and qualities required to become a kiné

In this type of medicine, expertise plays an important guiding role for the patient. Throughout his studies, the aspiring kinésithérapeute will therefore have to learn à maîtrise a certain number of skills and qualities that here: 

  • Technical and practical skills
    • &Functional evaluation and diagnosis:
      • Performance of detailed clinical examinations.
      • &Evaluation of posture, gait, joint mobility and muscle strength.
      • Identification of dysfunctions and functional limitations.
    • Techniques de réducation:
      • Passive and active joint mobilizations.
      • Muscle-strengthening techniques.
      • Functional training and proprioception exercises.
    • Manual therapeutics:
      • Therapeutic massages.
      • Green and joint manipulations.
      • Étirements et techniques de relâchement myofascial.
    • Physical agent treatments:
      • Use of ultrasound, shock waves, electrotherapy and infrared.
      • Application of cryothérapie and thermothérapie.
    • Respiratory habilitation:
      • Techniques for bronchial désencombrement.
      • Exercise training for patients with chronic respiratory pathologies.
    • Neurological education:
      • Adapting patients with stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
      • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques.
    • Heart education:
      • Exercise programs for patients post-infarction or with chronic heart disease.
      • Éducation à self-management of heart disease.
    • Pelvic education:
    • Rééducation pelvi-périnéale:
      • Treatment of urinary and fecal dysfunction.
      • Postpartum education.
    • Prévention and education:
      • Ergonomic tips for preventing musculoskeletal disorders.
      • Falls prevention programs for the elderly.
      • Éducation à la posture et à l’hyggiène de vie.
    • Pain management:
      • Use of manual and physical techniques to relieve pain.
      • Application of functional bandages and kinésiotaping.
    • Monitoring and evaluation:
      • Planning and adjustment of réducation programs.
      • Monitoring patient progress and adjusting treatments accordingly.

In addition to these skills, which he will need to apply throughout his future career,the kinésithérapie will need to develop interpersonal skills that will help him in his role. These include empathy, patience, communication, dexterity, stamina, observation, analytical skills, organization and empathy.

Débouchés and career prospects

Kinésithérapie is for all ages and all social classes. That's what makes this profession so rich and stimulating. Graduates of the IFMK are free to work in a wide variety of settings. They may choose to open or join a private practice, go into the field of sports or, later on, into research and teaching in order to perpetuate the transmission of know-how to new arrivals. As many opportunities as there are job offers kinésithérapeuteon our website!

Current issues and challenges facing the kinésithérapeute profession

A host of digital tools and other software have taken over practices in recent years, redefining the way in which care or appointments are managed and administered, but also the way in which this science is taught.

For example, educational techniques have been developed using the virtual reality system. Patients are immersed in fictitious worlds, enabling them to perform movements that are useful for their motor skills. In an ordinary setting, these patients would not dare perform certain movements for fear of aggravating their injury. What's more, the playful nature of the program helps them to overcome their pain. It’s a new technology that is developing rapidly and can be used to treat many rheumatological, traumatological or neurological cases.

Robots are also making their appearance, making it possible to treat immobilized patients by performing active, assisted and passive mobilizations adapted to the patients' motor strengths.

All these advances make the doctor's work easier, alleviate the shortage of kinesiologists in isolated areas and improve the quality of care provided.

In résumé, kinésithérapie studies are long, but highly rewarding. Résolutely dynamic, forward-looking through the implementation of innovative solutions, it's a journey that brings deep satisfaction to those who complete it.

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