
Physiotherapist salary in France in 2024

Whether you're looking to set up your own kinésithérapie structure, or you're simply curious about the average income of your kinésithérapute neighbor, this article will take you through all aspects concerning the income of this human body specialist.

What is a kinésithérapeute?

A kinésithérapeute, more commonly known as a kiné kiné is a health professional specialized in motor and functional rehabilitation. He uses manual techniques, therapeutic exercises and a variety of equipment to treat and prevent movement disorders and associated pathologies. Its role is essential in restoring the physical capabilities of patients of all ages.

To find out more about this aspect, don't hesitate to browse our fiche métier kinésithérapeute.

Factors influencing the salary of kinésithérapeutes in 2024

Many factors determine the salary of a kinésithérapeute, including:

  • L’expérience : a beginner kinacute;sithérapeuteute will generally earn less than a professional with several years' practice.
  • Location : salaries can vary depending on the practitioner's region of practice. These differences are linked in particular to population density, cost of living and demand for medical care.
  • Status: working as an employee or freelancer affects the income of the kinésithérapeute, as they can freely set their rates in échange of the fiscal and administrative responsibility of the place they occupy.

Average wages for kinésithérapeutes in France in 2024

Based on the criteria we've just seen, it becomes possible to determine how much a kinésithérapeute earns. Here's a non-exhaustive average : 

  • Kinésithérapeute confirmedé : 
  • Salaryé : from 2800 à 3500€ gross per month.
    • Libéral : Between 3000 and 3500€ net per month.

In addition, kinésithérapeutes who specialize in in-demand subcategories will have an extra argument when it comes to négocier;their rération during an application à a job offer kinésithérapeute.

Impact of spécialisations on kinésithérapeute salary

Spin>spécialisations in kinésithérapie make it possible to enhance one's expertise and increase one's income, all thanks to rarer and more personalized treatments. S’there are many ways to make your skills more sought-after, here's a list of the main ones: 

  • Specialization in kinésithérapie sportive

Specialized kinésithérapeutes in sports kinésithérapie can benefit from higher salaries, especially if they work with professional sports clubs or top athletes.

  • Spécialisation in pédiatrics and gériatrics

Specialization in pediatrics or geriatrics can offer lucrative opportunities. These fields require specific skills and a tailored approach, which can also bring financial rewards to the physicians who take them on.

  • Other spécialisations

Other spécialisations, such as neurological réducation or respiratory kinésithérapie, can also increase the income potential of kinésithérapeutes.

Career prospects and salary increases for kinésithérapeute

Like other professions in the healthcare sector, the career prospects of a kinésithérapeuteute are not limited to specialization. There are other ways for him to develop his income alongside his duties:

  • Promotion and management

Kinésithérapeutes can move into management or coordination positions, for example, becoming department managers in hôpitals or clinics. These positions generally offer higher salaries and additional benefits, even if they are more in line with core practitioners.

  • L’teaching

Kinésithérapeutes who choose to go into teaching at kinésithérapie training institutes can also receive compétitive salaries, depending on their experience and level of qualification.

  • Customer development

Creating and running your own private practice remains a very attractive option for many kinésithérapeutes. This allows you to set your own rates and generate substantial income, especially if the practice is well located and has a good reputation.

Did you like this article and want to learn more? Find our kinésithérapeute salary sheet!