Studying to become a pharmacist
As in other healthcare professions, the path to becoming a pharmacist in France is long and demanding. It reflects its level of importance within society. Before being able to apply for a job as a pharmacist, the student must complete many years of training combining in-depth theoretical courses in the sciences with rigorous practical applications. Whether in pharmacies, the pharmaceutical industry, research or hospitals, this drug specialist plays a crucial role in the management and distribution of drugs, as well as in advising and supporting patients.
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Access to pharmacy studies and first year
Access to high school
Before entering higher education, the pharmacist-to-be must obtain a scientific baccalaureate. Once this has been completed, students wishing to pursue pharmaceutical studies can choose between two options:
- Le Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS)
- Introduced in 2020 to replace the former Premiée Année Commune aux Études de Santé (PACES), the PASS is a year of study combining a health major; é a minor from another discipline. This structure makes it possible to diversify skills and offer avenues for reorientation.
- Students are assessed on the basis of continuous assessment and final exams.
- Those who succeed can enter the health sector.
- Those who fail can reorient themselves towards their minor's field of study before, if they wish, trying their luck again.
- The PASS approach relieves the pressure associated with the former PACES single entrance exam, while diversifying the student's skills.
- La Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS)
- Introduced in 2020 in order to diversify the training offer in health studies, the L.AS is a program combining any major (law, humanities, economics, etc.) with a specific health minor (biology, physiology, etc.).
- At the end of the first, second or third year, and if they have passed the minimum requirements, students can apply to study pharmacy. They then sit specific examinations. Depending on their performance, they will either be rejected or admitted to the second year of pharmaceutical sciences.
- The L.AS enables students to follow a diversified pathway, promoting skills and reorientation.
Studies in pharmaceutical sciences
The undergraduate degree
This is the core curriculum common to all étudiants en sciences pharmaceutiques.It lasts two years and covers all the essentials of the profession. It combines thematic courses such as physics, chemistry, biology, disease mechanisms, biological diagnostics, molecules, active substances and drug manufacturing.
In addition, the course includes a large number of practical exercises enabling students to carry out experiments related to the aforementioned courses, as well as pharmacy internships.
This phase leads to the Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFGSP).
The second cycle
This two-year phase serves to deepen the knowledge covered in the previous cycle. From the 2nddsemester of the 4ᵉ year, students choose one of the following three pathways:
- Officine
- Industry
- Hôpital and biology
In 5ᵉ year, students carry out numerous internships in places related to their chosen speciality, in order to gain initial experience. This will make it easier for them to settle into the job market.
This cycle leads to the Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Pharmaceutiques (DFASP).
The third cycle(s)
The short cycle
The 6ᵉ and final year of study is aimed at students who have chosen either the pharmacy or industrial pathways (see above). After supporting a thesis, it awards the Diplôme dÉtat de docteur en pharmacie.
À note that most students who have followed the industry pathway often take another complementary diploma (engineering, business or communication).
The long cycle
This cycle lasts 4 à 5 years and is accessible by competitive examination. It is aimed at students who have opted for the hôpital and biology pathway. Depending on the results of the entrance exam and the student's career plan, he or she can choose between two specialties:
- Hospital pharmacy
- Medical biology
These final years of study are carried out under the internship system, between specialized teaching and full-time internships. It culminates in the defense of a thesis, leading to the award of the Diplôme d’Études Spécialis&e;es de docteur en pharmacie.
In France, it takes between 6 and 10 years of study to become a pharmacist, depending on the specialties chosen by students. It's a long and arduous journey, but one that trains the best pharmacists possible in a field where there is no room for error.
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