
Job description: Periodontist

Welcome to this new fact sheet dedicated to the profession of periodontist. As you go through it, you'll discover all the facets (no pun intended) of this profession, from the education required to practice it, to the qualities required, to the average levels of remuneration.

What is a periodontist?

Less well known than his orthodontist or dental surgeon counterparts, the periodontist is just as important. To fully understand his or her field of specialization, a little tymology is in order: the term periodontics is derived from the prefix paro, itself derived from the term para, which meant around in ancient Greek. For its part, the word odontia simply meant dent. Periodontics therefore represents all the care provided around the tooth.

Every day, the periodontist is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infections and inflammations of gum tissue, the periodontal ligament or the alveolar bone. It plays an essential role in maintaining oral health and preventing tooth loss due to disease.

Rôle and responsibilities of the periodontist

  • Diagnosis of periodontal disease

This’is the periodontist's main mission. He must assess the condition of the gums, detect the presence of plaque, tartar, signs of inflammation or gingival recession. To do this, he uses a variety of tools and techniques, such as X-rays and periodontal probing, to establish a precise diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

  • Treatment of gum infections and inflammation

The treatment of gum infections and inflammation forms a large part of the periodontist's work. This includes professional deep cleanings, known as root planing and root planing. These remove plaque and calculus below the gum line. In more complex situations, this specialist can also prescribe more intensive treatments, such as the application of local or systemic antibiotics.

  • Periodontal surgical procedures 

When non-surgical treatments are no longer enough to resolve periodontal problems, the periodontist may resort to surgical interventions. These may include periodontal pocket reduction surgeries, gum grafts to treat gingival recession, and bone grafts to restore lost bone tissue. The aim of these procedures is to restore healthy gums and support tooth structures.

How to become a periodontist

Études et diplômes requis

To become a periodontist, it's necessary to follow a rigorous academic path. In France, this starts with a scientific baccalaureate, followed by a first year in the Parcours Accès Santécifique (PASS) or Licence Accès Santé (L.AS).

Once you've completed this step, you'll need to complete two years of general medical studies, followed by two years of advanced training in odontological sciences. It should be noted that these studies can be pursued abroad, at faculties in the European Union.

At the end of the course, students must complete their training with an internship system to perfect their theoretical knowledge while familiarizing themselves with the practical side of the profession. Once all these steps have been completed, he or she will be awarded the Diplôme d’État de docteur en chirurgie dentaire, which will enable him or her to exercise the métier de chirurgien-dentiste.

Spécialization in periodontology

After obtaining a diploma in dentistry, future periodontists must undergo specialized training in periodontology. This specialization lasts three years and includes theoretical courses as well as practical internships. Students learn advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating periodontal diseases, including surgical procedures. Only once this training has been completed will the young practitioner be able to apply for periodontist job offers.

Skills required to become a periodontist

  • Technical skills

These are obviously essential to the periodontist. Without this know-how, he won't be able to treat his patients. This includes mastery of diagnostic techniques, such as the use of periodontal probes and X-rays, as well as knowledge of treatment procedures such as tartar removal, root planing and surgical interventions. In addition, a thorough knowledge of periodontal diseases and their treatment is also essential.

  • Interpersonal skills

They play a crucial rôle in practice. Periodontists must êbe able to communicate effectively with their patients to explain diagnoses, treatment options and preventive measures. They must also reassure anxious patients and create an environment of trust.

  • Practice management skills

If they decide to practice on their own, periodontists will need to possess practice management skills. This includes administrative management, appointment scheduling, medical records management and coordination with other dental professionals. Most practitioners will hire a medical secretary so that they can concentrate on the medical aspects of their profession.

Défis of the periodontist métier

Management of complex cases

Some patients may present with advanced periodontal conditions or medical complications that necessitate personalized and sophisticated treatment approaches. Poor dental hygiene habits, if they persist for too long, can lead to pathologies that are difficult to treat. In order to improve patients' health and well-being, periodontists may sometimes collaborate with other dental and medical specialists to ensure comprehensive care.

Treatment of anxious patients

Patients with periodontal disease experience a variety of symptoms that can make them suffer. The thought of having to undergo surgery can give rise to anxiety and even anguish. The periodontist must therefore be able to manage these negative motions effectively. To do this, he has a variety of means at his disposal, such as soothing communication techniques, the use of light sedatives or the creation of a reassuring care environment.

&Patient education on periodontal hygiene

Better safe than sorry! Beyond the purely medical aspect of their profession, periodontists take on the role of educators. The patients they treat need to be made aware of bad oral hygiene habits that have led to pathology or infection. This is the only way they can avoid recurrence. The periodontist provides practical advice and explains appropriate brushing and flossing techniques.

Benefits of métier

Satisfaction with treating and preventing periodontal disease

This is the prerogative of the dental sector and more broadly of the medical field. Putting a smile back on a patient's face, seeing them heal and regain their health, hearing them thank you are direct and precious feelings of gratitude. Any medicine that has a positive impact on people's health is generally satisfying. That's a big part of what makes the hardship of studying and the stress of the job bearable.

Professional development opportunities

In addition to a good average standard of living, the periodontist profession offers many opportunities for development. This may include attending conferences and workshops, publishing research or becoming over-skilled in areas specific to periodontics, such as implantology or aesthetic periodontics.

Salary prospects for a periodontist

Average salary of a periodontist

The average salary of a periodontistcan vary depending on several factors, such as: 

  • L’expérience : this data is present in almost all métiers. Periodontists at the start of their careers earn lower salaries than their long-established counterparts. The know-how acquired in the field proves invaluable when it comes to negotiating salaries or increasing rates. Young practitioners will simply have to be rigorous and patient, so that their income increases on its own.
  • Location: periodontists wishing to settle in a new city or region must take into account criteria that will influence their income. He must take into account the standard of living of its inhabitants, the rates charged by his colleagues in the area, as well as the population density, which is crucial for the flow of his patients.
  • The types of practice : the periodontist may practice under very different conditions depending on whether he or she is in a private practice, a dental center or a hospital setting. These working conditions will inevitably have an impact on his or her income. A periodontist working in a private practice will often earn more than a salaried periodontist in a dental center.
  • Technology: the use of modern, cost-efficient equipment can increase the fees charged within the periodontist's practice structure, thereby increasing revenues.
  • La réputation : the quality of the practitioner's work, if recognized by his patients or peers, will influence his attractiveness and income.

In general, periodontists enjoy attractive salaries due to the specialization and skills required to practice this profession.

To learn more about this topic, find our periodontist salary sheet.

Comparison of salaries by region

In France, periodontists' incomesvary from region to region. They are influenced by factors such as population density, standard of living, competition and demand.

The regions where they benefit from higher salaries are those with the largest populations, as they offer a regular flow of patients. However, the level of competition can be higher in these areas, particularly in the larger conurbations. In such cases, you'll need to make the most of the situation by offering the best possible care experience. Finally, within a single city, people's standard of living can change from one neighborhood to another, further altering these data.

The regions with the salaries means periodontists most élevés: 

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Île-de-France
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Occitanie
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Regions with the lowest salaries means periodontists:

  • Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Centre-Val de Loire
  • Corse
  • Normandy

The periodontist profession is both demanding and rewarding, requiring rigorous training and a constant commitment to improving oral health. With diversified career opportunities and attractive salary prospects, it offers a stable and constantly evolving professional path.

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