
French neurologist's salary in 2024

Through our fiche métier neurologue, we had been able to tackle all the généraous aspects of this profession, without always going into détails for the sake of synthèse. Intéressons-nous désormais en profondeur à l’un des sujets majeurs de cette carrière : la rémuneacute;ration du neurologue.

What is a neurologist?

Before we go any further, let's briefly recall what a neurologist is. As a specialist in the nervous system, the neurologist diagnoses and treats neurological disorders of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Its missions cover a wide range of pathologies, from migraines and cerebrovascular accidents to neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Factors influencing neurologists' salaries in 2024

The rémunute;ration of the neurologist is dépendent of several variables such as: 

  • L’expérience : c’est le principal facteur concernant la rémunération du neurologue. Experience is a key factor, as it also increases income.
  • La localisation : in France, there are income disparities between neurologists practicing in urban and rural areas. These differences are linked to population density, the cost of living and the demand for medical care in the region.
  • The status : a neurologist can practice under different statuses such as salaried or self-employed. This decision has a significant impact on the ration, as a salaried doctor cannot set his or her own fees, unlike a freelance doctor.
  • La spécialité : neurologists specialized in neurosurgery, neuro-oncology or neuro-immunology will have added value on the job market, which will mean better average earnings, thanks to better job offers neurologist.

Average salary for neurologists in France in 2024

Let's be concrete and try to answer the question that's on your lips: how much does a neurologist earn? S’il reste très difficile de donner des chiffres précis en raison des critères mentionnés ci-dessus, nous pouvons tout de même en donner un ordre d’idée:  

  • Average gross salary of neurologist: 
    • Salary: of 40 à 45% of gross sales per month.
    • Libéral : rétrocession between 60 and 80% of monthly gross sales or royalty of 15 à 20% of monthly gross sales.

Comparison with previous years

  • Évolution of wages from 2020 à 2023

Between 2020 and 2023, salaries for neurologists saw a moderate increase, averaging around 2% per year. This increase reflects both inflation and the growing value of this medical specialty.

  • Trends and visions for 2024

For 2024, the forecast increase is 2%. This positive trend is underpinned by growing demand for neurological care, in line with an aging population and the increase in neurodegenerative diseases.

Career prospects and salary increases for the neurologist profession

  • Promotion and management opportunities

Neurologists can move into management positions in hospitals or clinics, as department heads or medical directors. These management positions are usually accompanied by significant salary increases, ranging from 20% to 40% depending on the position and the establishment.

  • Rémunération of teaching neurologists

Neurologists who teach in faculties of medicine or participate in research may benefit from additional income. These activities can increase their base salary by up to 10%, in addition to the prestige and professional development opportunities they bring.

As you've seen, there are many career opportunities for neurologists. Whether they decide to specialize or move up the medical ladder, neurological specialists have many ways of improving their income.