
Studies : Emergency doctor

Becoming an emergency doctor is a demanding and rewarding career. At the heart of the emergency department, emergency physicians must make vital decisions under pressure. This article explores the education required to embrace this exciting career. It covers the requirements for initial medical training, specialization in emergency medicine, and the essential skills and qualities needed to excel in this field. Whether you're a student considering emergency medicine or a healthcare professional looking to specialize, knowing the course is the first step to an exceptional career.

Étapes clésés pour devenir médecin urgentiste

Après le baccalauréat

Before entering higher education, the future emergency physician must obtain a baccalaureate, preferably in a scientific discipline, as this course requires a solid foundation that other disciplines do not offer. Thereafter, students wishing to pursue health studies have two options:

  • Le Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS)
    • Introduced in 2020 to replace the former Premiées Commune aux Études de Santé (PACES), the PASS is a year of study combining a health major; é a minor from another discipline. This structure makes it possible to diversify skills and offer avenues for reorientation.
    • Students are assessed on the basis of continuous assessment and final exams.
      • Those who succeed can enter the health sector.
      • Those who fail can reorient themselves towards their minor's field of study before, if they wish, trying their luck again.
    • The PASS approach reduces the pressure associated with the single PACES exam, while diversifying the student's skills.
  • La Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS)
    • Introduced in 2020 in order to diversify the training offer in health studies, the L.AS is a program combining any major (law, humanities, economics, etc.) with a specific health minor (biology, physiology, etc.).
    • At the end of the first, second or third year, and if they have passed the minimum requirements, students can apply for health studies. They then sit specific examinations. Depending on their performance, they will either be rejected or admitted to the second year of medical school.
    • The L.AS enables students to follow a diversified pathway, promoting skills and reorientation.

Études médicales générales

Après le PASS ou la L.AS (see above), les études générales de médecine se décomposent en deux parts diplômantes: 

  • Le Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Médicales (DFGSM) : three-year curriculum (the PASS and L.AS count as the first) consisting of theoretical courses in medical sciences and clinical internships in hospitals.
  • Le Diplôme de Formation Approfondie en Sciences Médicales (DFASM) : A direct continuation of the DFGSM, this is a three-year course of study that integrates specialized courses and advanced internships in various hospital departments.

Éend-of-clerkship proofs 

During the final year of their second cycle, students must pass a battery of tests which, based on their results and rankings, will enable them to formulate vœux de spécialit; mais également de ville. Here's the list: 

  • Épreuves dématérialisées nationales (EDN): these take place in October and count for 60% of the final grade. In order to pass, students must obtain a mark of 14/20 or higher in the thematic knowledge required by all doctors, regardless of their speciality.
  • Examens cliniques objectifs et structurés (ECOS): these are organized in May and count for 30% of the final grade. They test students' ability to develop clinical reasoning and problem-solving skills. The minimum mark must be 10/20.
  • Academic progress grade: this continuous assessment takes into account the student's commitment, curriculum, mobility and level of English, and accounts for 10% of the final grade.

Spécialisation en médecine d'urgence : cursus et exigences

Once the études générales de médecine completed, the student can specialize in emergency medicine. Students can choose between a Diplocirc;me dÉtudes Spécialis;es Complacute;mentaire (DESC) de médecine d’urgence or a médecin spécialiste en anesthésie-réanimation for two years. These courses are divided into theoretical and practical training:

  • Training théoric : interns follow théoric courses covering the various aspects of emergency medicine. They attend seminars and conferences to keep abreast of the latest advances and research in the field.
  • Training practical : emergency medicine interns participate in the activities of various emergency services, such as pediatric emergencies, anesthesia and hospital emergencies.

Internships and practical experience

Internships are a crucial component of training. They enable students to familiarize themselves with the dynamic environment of emergency services and to develop practical skills in real-life situations. These experiences are essential for learning to effectively manage emergency situations, make rapid decisions and work as part of a team.

Skills and qualities required for an emergency physician

A emergency physicianmust possess a wide range of technical and medical skills, including the ability to perform emergency procedures, use specialized medical equipment and apply in-depth medical knowledge in an emergency setting. Mastery of réanimation and first aid is also essential.

Beyond technical skills, certain personal qualities are essential, such as the ability to work under pressure, excellent communication skills, empathy and resilience. The ability to make quick decisions and remain calm in critical situations is paramount.

Additional certifications and training

Additional certifications in emergency care and reanimation can be beneficial to an emergency physician's career, providing advanced skills in reanimation and trauma management.

As medicine is a constantly evolving field, continuing education is a major issue. Emergency physicians can specialize in areas such as disaster medicine and aeronautical medicine. These courses help to broaden skills and career opportunities.

Careers and development opportunities for emergency physicians

À term, the spécialiste can apply for emergency physician job offers involving more responsibility, such as emergency department manager, emergency medicine coordinator, or emergency care trainer. Specializations in specific emergency fields can also offer rewarding career prospects.

Moreover, the skills of an emergency physician are recognized and sought after internationally, offering career opportunities abroad. Collaboration with other medical and paramedical disciplines opens up prospects for professional development in interdisciplinary fields.

In conclusion, the path tobecoming an emergency physician in France is both rigorous and rewarding, requiring years of in-depth academic and clinical training. From the initial introduction to medicine via the PASS or L.AS, to specialized post-ECN studies, each step is designed to equip future doctors with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in emergency environments. The Emergency Medicine Internship offers complete immersion in the spectrum of emergency care, reinforcing skills in rapid decision-making, crisis management and direct medical care. Success in this field relies not only on the acquisition of medical knowledge, but also on the development of personal and professional resilience, essential for navigating the unique challenges of medical emergencies. For those aspiring to this career, the path is demanding, but the rewards numerous.

If you liked this article and would like to find out more about this profession, browse our emergency doctor profession fact sheet !