
Job File: ENT

Welcome to this article about the métier of Otolaryngologist, more commonly known as ENT. In the lines that follow, you'll learn about all the elements that make up the career of a specialist. Warm up your cup of coffee and join us as we explore the mysteries of facial control!

What is an ENT doctor?

To put it simply, an ENT is a specialist in diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Treating a variety of conditions and all types of patients, he is best known and recognized by parents of young children, who are more often prone to ear infections and other disorders of the ear.

Rôle and responsibilities of an ENT doctor

L’ORL, like all specialized physicians, has a wide field of action involving numerous responsibilities. First and foremost, they naturally play a preventive role, advising on the best ways to limit the development of ear, nose and throat diseases. In addition to these social responsibilities, the core of his profession requires him to perform complex surgeries, and prescribe and monitor medical treatments for chronic or acute illnesses;dical treatments for chronic or acute illnesses, and rehabilitate certain patients with speech or hearing disorders; all skills that are passed on to him during his studies.

Training and career path to become an ENT

To become ORL, you need to étude for 11 years. Yes, you read that right! 11 years of intensive, complex study, enabling you to tackle every aspect of a profession that leaves nothing to chance. This course combines rigor and slowness to ensure the highest possible degree of expertise, because like other medical professions, ENT specialists play a decisive role in the health of the patients they see. The lives of these patients are sometimes at stake, which means that errors must be kept to an absolute minimum. Since the path to becoming an ENT doctor can sometimes be convoluted, let's try to retrace it by step.

Firstly, the student must obtain a baccalaureate in a scientific field. Although this is not compulsory, it is highly recommended, as it provides the essential grounding for the next 11 years. Once this first diploma has been obtained, the baccalaureate holder can choose between two courses: the Parcours Accès Santé Spécifique (PASS) or the Licence avec Accès Santé (L.AS). One year later, and subject to success, he/she will be able to enter the first cycle of general medical studies, common to all specialties and lasting 3 years (the PASS and L.AS count as the first cycle of general medical studies).AS count as the first). At the end of these three years, he obtains the Diplôme de Formation Générale en Sciences Médicales (DFGSM) and enters the second cycle as a day student. Also lasting 3 years, it enables students to deepen their knowledge thanks to an equal balance between theoretical courses and practical hospital work. At the end of the course, the student takes the National Classifying Examination (ECN), the result of which gives him/her the opportunity to choose his/her specialty (according to an order of priority based on ranking). 

Once enrolled in the otolaryngology specialization, he will have to complete a third and final cycle of 5 years of study to become an ENT under an internship system enabling him to learn more about all the nuances of this profession and apply it within French healthcare structures.

Ça is here! After a decade of visions and examinations, the old student has become a young ENT specialist. He can now apply for ENTL job offers. But that doesn't mean he won't be learning anything. Throughout his career, he will need to continue learning about new topics in his discipline, so as not to be overwhelmed by technologies and discoveries.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, browse our eacute;tudes ENT !

Skills and qualities required to become an ENT

The médecin ORL ensures its daily practice thanks to a skilful blend of medical knowledge, technical skills and personal qualities. Let's list them:

  • Medical knowledge
    • Anatomy and physiology
    • ENTL pathologies
    • Pharmacology
    • ENTL oncology
  • Technical skills
    • Diagnosis and evaluation
      • Audiométrie
      • Endoscopy
      • Mental imaging
    • Surgical procedures
      • Microsurgery of the ear
      • Nasal endoscopic surgery
      • Larynx and throat surgery
      • Reconstructive surgery
    • Advanced Therapeutics
      • Treatment of vestibular disorders
      • Hearing disorders
      • Allergy management
  • Personal Qualities
    • Empathy and écoute
    • Patience
    • Dextérité
    • Communication
    • Curiosity
    • Résilience


The ENT working environment

While most ENT specialists will be happy in private practices or hospitals, there are many more places in which they can practice. These include:

  • Hôpitaux
    • Academics: ENT specialists are often involved in teaching and training medical students and residents, in addition to their clinical practice. They also participate in research and clinical trials.
    • Publics : ENT specialists in these establishments treat a wide variety of cases, from emergencies to planned procedures, and may specialize in areas such as oncological or reconstructive surgery.
    • Privés : ENTs can work in private hôpitaux where they offer specialized and personalized care, in less congested environments than public hôpitaux.
  • Cliniques spécialisées : ENT clinics offer specialized care and allow ENT specialists to focus on sub-specialties such as facial plastic surgery, otology (ear disorders) or laryngology (voice disorders). Clinics offer consultations, diagnosis and treatment for specific conditions such as allergies, balance disorders and hearing disorders.
  • Private practices : ENT specialists can open their own practices to create a working environment suited to their particular expertise. They can offer consultations, follow-up treatments and minor interventions. Private practices allow for a closer relationship with patients and more direct control over administrative and organizational aspects.
  • Research institutes : ENT specialists can work in medical research institutes, where they focus on innovation and the development of new technologies and treatments for diseases. They participate in basic and clinical research projects, publishing their findings in medical journals and contributing to the advancement of the field.
  • Universities and academic institutions: as professors or researchers, ENT specialists can teach medical students, supervise residents and participate in continuing education programs. They play a key role in training the next generation of doctors and disseminating medical knowledge through conferences and academic publications.
  • Télémédecine : with the rise of télémedecine, ENT specialists can offer remote consultations, which is particularly useful for patients living in rural areas or with mobility difficulties. Telemedicine platforms enable efficient post-operative follow-ups and initial consultations, while also reducing the need for placement for isolated or limited patients.

Carriage and opportunities

With experience, an ENT may move into supervisory, team management or medical education positions. He or she may also choose to focus exclusively on research or teaching, to become a department head in hospitals, a member of advisory or executive committees, all different paths to professional fulfillment.

In addition, there are several sub-disciplines within ENT, enabling specialists to focus on specific aspects of the discipline, such as otology-neurotology (specialization in diseases of the ear), rhinology, laryngology, head and neck surgery or reconstructive surgery.

Want to find out more? Find our ENTL salary sheet. 

Challenges and challenges of the ENT profession

ENTL doctors face many challenges in their daily practice. Among other things, they have to deal with complex cases requiring rapid, accurate decision-making. Surgical procedures, although customary for these specialists, involve a degree of risk that demands concentration and dexterity. The spécialist cannot have “a day without”. What's more, the ENT profession means juggling a heavy workload, including consultations, surgery, post-operative follow-up and medical emergencies.

By virtue of the challenges they face, ENT specialists achieve rewarding results, because their work significantly improves their patients' quality of life. Restoring hearing to someone suffering from deafness, or successfully treating throat cancer, provides immense professional satisfaction.

In conclusion, the métier of ENT is a dynamic and demanding medical specialty, offering varied opportunities and challenging challenges. The technical skills, medical knowledge and personal qualities required to excel in this discipline are numerous, and the work environments just as varied. Career prospects are vast, with opportunities for advancement in research, teaching and advanced specializations. Despite the daily challenges, the professional satisfaction and positive impact on patients' lives make ENT a deeply rewarding career.

Don't hesitate to check out our other fact sheets, such as the fiche métier gynécologue or the fiche métier chirurgien-dentiste!